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Courses taught
Spring 2007 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Civil Society and Public Sphere
- Consuming Cultural Heritage
- Contemporary Social and Cultural Theory
- Continuous Examination
- Critical Interpretation of Religion
- Cultural and Social Modernization in Central Europe: Resurrecting Civil Society
- Demography (SOC109, SOC709)
- Development studies
- Dissertation Projects Seminar (SOC910, SOC960)
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar
- Feminism in Czech and international context
- Feminist theories of gender
- Foreign studies (SOC124, SOC415)
- From the Jungle to the Airport Terminal
- Gender and Law in the Czech Republic and the European Union
- Gender and science
- Gender and the media
- Gender in field: methods of qualitative research
- Gender in media practice
- Gender structrure of society I
- Gendered structure of society I.
- General sociological theory
- General Sociological Theory
- General sociology
- General Sociology Seminar I
- General Sociology Seminar II
- History of women's and feminist movement
- Implementation of Gender Equality
- Internship
- Introduction to Sociology for non-sociologists
- Levelling Examination (for non-sociologists) (SOC903, SOC953)
- Living world as theoretical problem and empirical reality
- Methodology of Social Sciences
- Methods of sociological research
- Multivariate Data Analysis Using SPSS (SOC434, SOC925)
- Nationalism and the Novel in Latin America
- Objectivity of knowledge in social sciences
- Peoples culture
- Philosophical theories of gender
- Public Presentation of Dissertation (SOC921, SOC971)
- Qualitative data analysis and interpretation (SOC421, SOC926)
- Reading Hannah Arendt
- Religion in contemporary world: concepts and problems
- Research methodologies of gender problems
- Research Methods I: Fieldwork and Ethnography
- Research Methods II. Interview and Discourse Analysis
- Research Methods in Sociology
- Research practice
- Roma People I.
- Roma People II.
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation (SOC930, SOC980)
- Social and Cultural Aspects of International Migration
- Social anthropology and city
- Social Anthropology and Social History of the Embodiment
- Social problems via gender optics
- Social reproduction and integration
- Social trauma
- Sociological Aspects of Migration
- Sociological Theory II
- Sociology Examination
- Sociology of Culture
- Sociology of modernization: religion and secularism
- Sociology of religion
- Sociology of stratification and inequality
- Sociology of stratification and unequality
- Sociology of the Family
- State Exam
- Statistical Data Analysis with SPSS
- Texts from the General Sociology
- The public and the civic society
- Theoretical Sociology II
- Thesis Project (SOC492, SOC493, SOC494, SOC495, SOC496, SOC497, SOC498, SOC499, SOC500, SOC501, SOC503)