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Courses taught
Autumn 2006 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Cultural Anthropology of Post-Socialism
- Development of Ethnic Relations in the Czech Republic
- Development studies
- Dissertation Projects Seminar (SOC910, SOC960)
- Dissertation Thesis Seminar
- Family, Kinship and Social Network
- Feminist theory of gender
- Foreign studies (SOC124, SOC415)
- Future of Europe
- Gender and legislation in the Czech Republic and the EU
- Gender in Field: Methods of qualitative research
- Gender in literature
- Gender structrure of society II
- Gendered structure of society I.
- General sociology
- General Sociology Seminar I
- General Sociology Seminar II (SOC692, SOC962)
- Globalisation and consume culture
- Guide to Sociology
- History of women's and feminist movement
- Housing Sociology and Housing Policy
- How to write paper
- Internship 2
- Introduction to Legal Anthropology: The Cultural Power of Law
- Introduction to Social Anthropology
- Introduction to Sociology
- Introduction to sociology of law
- Introductory Seminar to Sociological Theories of Gender
- Levelling Examination (for non-sociologists) (SOC903, SOC953)
- Linguistic anthropology
- Methodological Seminar (SOC913, SOC963)
- Methodology of social sciences
- Methods of gender equality enforcement + practice
- Post-war French Social Theory
- Public Presentation of Dissertation (SOC921, SOC971)
- Qualitative data
- Qualitative Sociological Research
- Quantitative Data Analysis (with the use of SPSS)
- Quantitative Data Analysis (with the use of SPSSPC)
- Race, ethnicity and identity
- Reading Clasics
- Regression Analysis
- Research methodologies of gender problems
- Research Methods II. Interview and Discourse analysis
- Research methods in sociology
- Science, technology and politics
- Selected texts of contemporary sociology
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation (SOC930, SOC980)
- Social Anthropology - tutorials
- Social exclusion and inclusion
- Social movement
- Social Movements in Theory and Practice
- Social Problems of CR: view of experts
- Sociological theories of gender (GEN101, GEN501)
- Sociological Theory I
- Sociological Theory II
- Sociology Examination
- Sociology of antisemitism
- Sociology of childhood
- Sociology of Race and Ethnic Relation
- Sociology of the family
- Statistical Data Analysis
- Stratification Research
- Survey (SOC151, SOC751)
- Texts from the General Sociology
- Theoretical Sociology I
- Theoretical Sociology II
- theoretical sociology of the 20th century
- Theory of Ethnicity and Nationalism
- Thesis Project (SOC492, SOC493, SOC494, SOC495, SOC496, SOC497, SOC498, SOC499, SOC500, SOC501, SOC503, SOC504)