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Courses taught
Autumn 2018 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Comparative Political Science
- Conceptualisations of Terrorism
- Conflict Analysis
- Conflict Management
- Conflict Methodology
- Contemporary Democratic Theory: The Priority of Democracy: Political Consequences of Pragmatism
- Contemporary elections and electoral systems
- Contemporary political research of security
- Cultural Security
- Cyber Warfare
- Cyber-security
- Czech Communism
- Czech Policy Analysis
- Czech Political Tradition
- Czech Politics after the November 1989
- Czechoslovak Politics 1945-1969
- Data and Elections
- Didactics of Political Science
- Dilemmas of Counterterrorism
- Diploma Seminar
- Diploma Seminar for Bachelor Thesis
- Disertation Project
- Disertation Thesis I.
- Disertation Thesis III.
- Dissertation Thesis
- Election Systems
- Elections in Practice
- Electoral Myth and Facts
- Electoral Studies
- Ethic strengthening mechanisms (POL377, POL617)
- Ethnical Conflicts I.
- Eurasian Security
- Field research on elections
- French Politics and Political Parties
- Heads of State in Europe
- History of military
- History of Political Ideas
- Hybrid Warfare
- Christianity and Politics
- Information Warfare and Propaganda
- Integrated rescue system
- Interactive Workshop: Challenging Propaganda (POL378, POL603)
- International nationalism
- International security policy
- Intership
- Introduction into Political Science
- Introduction into strategical studies
- Introduction to political marketing
- Liberal Democracy in Times of Crisis
- Liberalism and its critics
- Local Politics Research
- Methodology of Political Science
- Methodology of Strategic and Security Studies
- Militant democracy
- Military Policy
- Modern political history
- Modern Technologies and Conflicts
- Modern Technologies and Security
- Nondemocratic Regimes
- Party Systems
- Personal Study Program I.
- Personal Study Program II.
- Personal Study Program III.
- Personal Study Program IV.
- Political advertisement
- Political attitudes and public opinion
- Political corruption
- Political Corruption
- Political Extremism and Radicalism
- Political Science Conference I.
- Political Science Conference II.
- Populism and political parties
- Preparation of Disertation Thesis II.
- Quantitative Approaches in Political Science
- Regional Security Complexes
- Rhetorics and presentation skills (in politics)
- Sec. and strategic perspectives of CR
- Security Aspects of New Religiosity
- Security intership
- Security practices
- Security Threats
- Strategy games and simulations
- Summer/Winter School (BSS183, BSS471)
- Terrorism
- The Foundations of Political Modernity
- Theories and Concepts of Political Marketing
- Theory of Democratization