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Courses taught
Spring 2012 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Stylistics - argumentation vs. manipulation
- Stylistics (workshop)
- Television and its audiences in everyday life + Rating analysis (ZUR309, ZUR409)
- Theory of the Social Technique of Information
- Verbal and nonverbal communication
- Videojournalism
- Videojournalism - workshop
- Web TV
- Web TV II.
Autumn 2011 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Art criticism in print media
- Audio and Video
- Communication management
- Contemporary czech language
- Contemporary Czech Language
- Contemporary Visual Culture
- Creative writing for journalists (workshop)
- Current affairs genres in print media
- Cyberculture (ZUR142, ZUR267)
- Digital Photography
- Documentary making I.
- Dramaturgical Practice
- Foreign News
- Graphics in Multimedia
- Group of experts (subject A)
- Group of experts (subject C): Discourse and Media
- History of Czech media II (ZUR107, ZUR575)
- Chapters from the Global History of the Media I.
- Chapters from the history of mass media I
- Information technologies
- Interview (workshop)
- Introduction to digital media
- Introduction to editing practice
- Introduction to journalism
- Introduction to Mass communication theory
- Introduction to mass communication theory: history of changes in the research on mass media effects
- Introduction to media and communication studies
- Introduction to news reporting
- Introduction to news reporting (seminar)
- Introduction to news reporting in TV
- Introduction to radio journalism
- Introduction to sociology
- Introduction to the study of culture
- Journalism
- Journalistic practice
- Journalistic practice (seminar)
- Journalists of the 20th and 21st Century
- Mass communication theory II
- Mass communication theory: history of changes in the research on mass media effects
- Media and ethics
- Media Ethics
- Media project
- Media project and product
- Methods and technigues of media research
- Methods and techniques of media research
- Paradigmatic systems of culture
- Practice - PR
- Press relation officer
- Programming Analysis (ZUR377, ZUR573)
- Psychosocial risks and opportunities of internet use
- Radio Management
- Radio R - Internet Radio (workshop)
- Radio R - Internet Radio II. (workshop)
- Realization of the digital audiovisual work
- Rhetoric
- Seminar BC thesis (ZUR161, ZUR721, ZUR771)
- Seminar BC thesis II (ZUR162, ZUR722, ZUR772)
- Seminar MGR thesis I
- Seminar MGR thesis II
- Sport journalism
- STISK - practice medium (workshop)
- Stylistics - chapters for journalists
- Stylistics for journalists (workshop)
- Videojournalism
- Videojournalism - workshop
- Visual Communication in History
- Visual communication in history
- Web TV
- Writing paper