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Courses taught
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Social Studies
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Camera in news coverage and current affairs
- Contemporary czech language (workshop) (ZUR203, ZUR706)
- Culture as product of human communication
- Desk top publishing
- Digital Visual Culture I
- Environmental journalism I
- Expressive Elements in the Digital Media
- HALAS - practice medium I
- Chapters from the Global History of the Media
- Chapters from the history of Czech journalism I
- Chapters from the history of world journalism
- Information technologies for journalists
- Internet and author
- Introduction to communication studies
- Introduction to digital media
- Introduction to Journalism Ethics (ZUR202, ZUR714)
- Introduction to media studies
- Introduction to news coverage
- Introduction to news reporting (seminar) (ZUR130, ZUR131, ZUR132)
- Introduction to news reporting in print media
- Introduction to photography in journalism I (workshop)
- Introduction to radio journalism
- Journalistic practice
- Mass communication theory II
- Mass culture, mass media and society: critical theory of the mass media
- Media ethics
- Media project
- Methods and techniques of media research
- News coverage in print media
- Paradigmatic systems of culture (ZUR103, ZUR702)
- Popular Music Industry
- Regional media
- Revue for Media
- Revue for media (workshop)
- Rhetoric
- Seminar on BA thesis (ZUR113, ZUR118, ZUR119, ZUR120, ZUR121, ZUR122, ZUR123, ZUR713)
- Seminar on MA thesis (ZUR407, ZUR414, ZUR415, ZUR416, ZUR417, ZUR418, ZUR419)
- Seminar on minor thesis (ZUR117, ZUR124, ZUR125, ZUR126, ZUR127, ZUR128, ZUR129, ZUR412, ZUR421, ZUR422, ZUR423, ZUR424, ZUR425, ZUR426)
- Sound media I (workshop), radio news coverage
- STISK I - practice medium (workshop)
- Stylistics - chapters for journalists
- Stylistics for journalists (workshop)
- Transformations of Czech Journalism in the Protectorate
- TV current affairs
- TV documentary I
- Video post -production and special effects
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Art and the media
- Audiovisual representations of ideology, hegemony and resistance (ZUR256, ZUR532)
- Commentary: historical development of the genre
- Contemporary Czech language (workshop)