Total number of publications: 36
The COVID-19 pandemic and young people's civic engagement : A scoping review
Journal of Research on Adolescence, year: 2024, DOI
The Effect of Civic Engagement on Different Dimensions of Well-Being in Youth : A Scoping Review
Adolescent Research Review, year: 2024, volume: neuveden, edition: neuveden, DOI
The reciprocal relationship between consensual sexting and peer support among adolescents : A three-wave longitudinal study
Computers in Human Behavior, year: 2024, volume: 152, edition: March, DOI
The Revised Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12R): Validity and cross-cultural invariance in an organizational context
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, year: 2024, DOI
The uncompromising way : Several lessons from homeless journalists
Journalism, year: 2024, DOI
Time-based Variability in the Presence of Infotainment, Service, and Civic Roles in Czech Quality Press
JOURNALISM PRACTICE, year: 2024, volume: nedostupné, edition: online first, DOI
Trust and Political Attitudes of Public Service Media Audiences in a Polarized Society : The Case of Czech Television
Problems of Post-Communism, year: 2024, DOI
Two-factor authentication time: How time-efficiency and time-satisfaction are associated with perceived security and satisfaction
Computers & Security, year: 2024, volume: 138, edition: 103667, DOI
Chapter One way or another? Discussion disagreement and attitudinal homogeneity on social networking sites as pathways to polarization in Czechia
Citizens, Participation and Media in Central and Eastern European Nations, year: 2024, number of pages: 15 s.
Child Vulnerability in the Digital World
Child Vulnerability and Vulnerable Subjectivity : Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives, year: 2024, number of pages: 22 s.