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- Advanced Materials and Nanosciences
- Aesthetics and Culture Studies
- Analytical Geochemist
- Analytical Geochemist
- Anatomy, Histology and Embryology (4-years)
- Ancient History
- Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management
- Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management
- Anesthesiology, Intensive Medicine and Pain Management (4-years)
- Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology
- Animal physiology, immunology and developmental biology
- Anthropology
- Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Auxiliary Historical Sciences
- Bioanalytical chemistry
- Bioanalytical chemistry
- Bioethics
- Bioethics
- Bioethics
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry
- Biochemistry (4-years)
- Biology (4-years)
- Biomedical sciences
- Biomedical Sciences
- Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics
- Biomolecular chemistry and bioinformatics
- Business Economy and Management
- Business Economy and Management
- Cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing
- Cartography, geoinformatics and remote sensing
- Classical Philology
- Classical Philology
- Clinical psychology
- Clinical psychology
- Comparative Constitutional Law
- Comparative Corporate, Foundation and Trust Law
- Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
- Comparative Literature
- Computer Science
- Computer Science
- Constitutional Law and Theory of State
- Criminal Law
- Czech Language
- Czech Literature
- Dentistry (4-years)
Dentistry and otorinolaryngology
- Dentistry
- Otorinolaryngology
- Otorinolarynogology
- Dentistry and Otorinolaryngology
- Dermatovenerology (4-years)
- Didactics of Foreign Language
- Didactics of Foreign Language
- Didactics of Foreign Language
- Digital Culture and Creative Industries
- Digital Culture and Creative Industries
- Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
- Ecological and Evolutionary Biology
- Economic Policy
- Economic Policy
- Economics
- Economics
- Education
- Education (4-years)
- Educational Sciences
- Educational Sciences
- English Linguistics
- English Linguistics
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Environmental Health Sciences
- Environmental Studies
- Etnology
- Finance
- Finance
- Finanzwesen
- General Linguistics
- General Medicine (4-years) – Cardiology – valid until Aug 31, 2019
- Genomics and Proteomics
- Genomics and Proteomics
- Geography (4-years)
- Geography Education
- Geography Education
- Geology
- Geology
- Geology (4-years)
- Germanic Languages
- Germanic Literatures
- Gynaecology and Obstetrics (4-years)
- Healthcare Simulation
- Healthcare Simulation
- Hematology
- History
- History of Art
- Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology
- Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology
- Hygiene, Preventive Medicine and Epidemiology (4-years)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (4-years)
- Imaging Methods and Medical Physics
- Imaging Methods and Medical Physics
- Indo-European Comparative Linguistics
- Intellectual Property Law
- Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine
- Internal Medicine (4-years)
- International Legal Studies
- International Relations and European Politics
- International Relations and European Politics
- International Territorial Studies (4-years)
- Kinanthropology
- Kinanthropology (4-years)
- Language and Literary Communication
- Law Information and Communication Technologies
- Law of Information and Communication Technologies
- Legal Theory and Public Affairs
- Life Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Literatures in English
- Literatures in English
- Matematics (4-years)
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Mathematics and Statistics
- Media and journalism studies
- Media and journalism studies
- Medical Biology (4-years)
- Medical Biophysics (4-years)
- Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry (4-years)
- Medical Microbiology and Immunology (4-years)
- Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
- Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology
- Medical Pharmacology (4-years)
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Medieval Latin Language and Literature
- Microbiology
- Microbiology
- Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics
- Molecular and Cell Biology and Genetics
- Music Theory and Pedagogy
- Musicology
- Musicology
- Narratology
- Neurology (4-years)
- Neuroscience (4-years)
- Neurology
- Neurosciences
- Neursciences
- Psychiatry
- Neurosciences
- Oncology (4-years)
- Oncology and Hematology
- Oncology and Hematology
- Ophthalmology (4-years)
- Otorhinolaryngology (4-years)
- Paediatrics
- Paediatrics
- Patology (4-years)
- Pediatrie (4-years)
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmaceutical Technology
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacognosy
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Philological Area Studies
- Philology (4-years)
- Philosophy
- Physical geography
- Physical Geography
- Physics
- Physics
- Physics (4-years)
- Physiology and Pathological Physiology (4-years)
- Physiology, Pathological Physiology, Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Physiology, Pathological Physiology, Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
- Plant Anatomy and Physiology
- Plant Anatomy and Physiology
- Political Science
- Political Science
- Political Science (4-years)
- Private law and civil procedural law
- Psychiatry (4-years)
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology
- Psychology (4-years)
- Public Economics
- Public Economics
- Public Law Studies
- Radiology (4-years)
- Regional Economics
- Regional Economics
- Romance Languages
- Romance Literatures
- Safety and Quality of Drugs
- School pedagogy
- School Pedagogy
- Slavonic Languages
- Slavonic Literatures
- Social Education
- Social Education
- Social geography and regional development
- Social Geography and Regional Development
- Social Medicine (4-years)
- Social Policy and Social Work
- Social Policy and Social Work
- Social Policy and Social Work (4-years)
- Sociology
- Sociology
- Sociology (4-years)
- Special Education
- Special Education
- Special Education
- Special Education (4-years)
- Specialization in Pedagogy
Specialization in Pedagogy (4-years)
- Didactics of Foreign Language
- Didactics of Geography
- Theory of Arts and Gallery Education
- Sports Sciences
- Study of Religions
- Study of Religions
- Surgery (4-years)
- Surgery and Reproductive Medicine
- Surgery and Reproductive Medicine
- Theatre and Film Studies
Theoretical Legal Sciences (4-years)
- Administrative and Environmental Law
- Civil Law
- Commercial Law
- Constitutional Law and Theory of State
- Criminal Law
- Financial Law and Financial Science
- History of the Law and Roman Law
- International and European Law
- Labour Law
- Law Information and Communication Technologies
- Private International Law
- Theory of Law
- Theory and history of law
- Theory of Art and Gallery Education
- Theory of Arts and Gallery Education
The doctoral committee is either identical to the doctoral board or has yet to be established.