
Bachelor's degree in full-time form. The language of instruction is Czech.

The programme can be studied as a single subject or in combination with another programme.

What will you learn?

The purpose of this Bachelor’s degree study programme is to acquire and internalize the basic level of education and special competences for the professional work of a historian, namely taking up high school knowledge. Students will acquire an overview of Czech and general history from prehistoric times up to the present and will acquaint themselves with the methodology and organization of historical research and important moments in historiography. Choosing facultative lectures and seminars, students can focus their interest in specific historical periods or topics. The study of history is intended not only for those concerned with the field of history and historiography, but also for people interested in other social sciences and humanities: the Bachelor’s degree study programme in history represents a suitable introduction to further study in different disciplines, since it provides basic information and findings about the function, logic, and structure of human society in the course of history. Students learn how to work with historical sources and how to obtain, analyse, and contextualize their information potential. Students are directed in both the individual searching and critical sorting of information. Abilities in relevant argumentation and independent critical thinking are particularly encouraged and desired. Acquiring such knowledge and competences is very important in terms of the nature of the field, i.e. the fact that knowledge and understanding of history is not direct, but mediated through historical evidence.

The Bachelor’s degree study programme is on offer either as one study programme (single-subject study) or a combination of two separate study programmes (two-subject study).

Career opportunities

Graduates are qualified for posts as lower professional assistants in academic institutions, libraries, and information, documentation, and bibliographical centres and museums, as well as for work in the media and in publishing and in expert teams focused on culture and history in state and private institutions.

Admission requirements

This programme is taught in Czech.

The criteria for admission for studies are the results of the written Field of Study Examination. Applicants may also be admitted based on other criteria, see Admission without the Entrance Examination. The Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University disregards the results of SCIO National Comparative Examinations.

You can file your e-applications for studies from 1 November to 28 February.
Field of study examinations will be held from 22 April to 27 April.
The date and time of the examination will be stated in the electronic invitation for the examination, which will be uploaded to your e-application. The faculty will not be sending paper invitations. Applicants applying for the major study plan and minor study plan in a combined study must comply with the conditions for admission into both plans.

Learning Potential Test (TSP)

For admission for studies in this degree programme, you do not need to take the TSP.

Field of Study Examination

This examination is only in Czech. It is intended to check the applicants’ knowledge of the given field of study. It is done in the form of a written test.

Basic description of the Field of Study Examination:
A written test (60 minutes) which will check your knowledge of Czech and world history from the Migration Period until the first decade of the 21st century to the extent of the curriculum of secondary school history textbooks by Didaktis publishers. Part of the test will also consist of checking the basic overview of historical literature and the organization of historical work.

Sample Field of Study Test

Admission without the entrance examination

You may be exempt from the entrance examination based on participation in the national rounds of Students’ Professional Activities (SOČ) in the field of history and the national round of the History Olympiad competition for secondary schools.
Please upload the officially certified documents directly to your e-application in the section Application for the Exemption from the Entrance Examination no later than 28 February.

Criteria for evaluation

  • Total number of points in the Field of Study Examination: 100
  • Limit for successfully passing the Field of Study Examination: 40
Points are not deducted for incorrect answers.

Recommended literature

  • Kolektiv autorů: Starší dějiny pro střední školy. Učebnice. Část první. Pravěk, starověk, raný středověk. Didaktis, Brno 2018. ISBN 978-80-7358-290-6
  • Kolektiv autorů: Starší dějiny pro střední školy. Učebnice. Část druhá. Vrcholný středověk, pozdní středověk, raný novověk. Didaktis, Brno 2018. ISBN 978-80-7358-293-7
  • Kolektiv autorů: Dějiny 19. století pro střední školy. Učebnice. Světové dějiny a dějiny českých zemí “dlouhého” 19. století. Didaktis, Brno 2016. ISBN 978-80-7358-247-0
  • Kolektiv autorů: Moderní dějiny pro střední školy. Učebnice. Světové a české dějiny 20. století a prvního desetiletí 21. století. Didaktis, Brno 2014. ISBN 978-80-7358-223-4

Minimum score and numbers of accepted applicants in past years

Study options

Single-subject studies

Students have a pre-defined list of required courses, which are supplemented with selective and elective courses. The student pays full attention to the single field of study chosen.

Combined studies

In this type of studies, the students focus on the main degree programme (120 credits) supplemented with another, minor, programme (60 credits). The student enrols in the degree programme in which he/she majors. Both the programmes are stated in the university diploma. You will find possible combinations on the websites of individual degree programmes.​ An exception is programmes preparing students for teaching professions, where both fields of study are equal and the thesis may be written in any of them.

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Economics and Administration

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Informatics

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Social Studies

History as a minor degree programme

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Economics and Administration
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Informatics
Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Social Studies

Courses – curriculum examples

An example of your study plan:

Single-subject studies

Combined studies

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Arts

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Economics and Administration

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Informatics

Combinations with programmes from Faculty of Social Studies

History (major), full-time studies
+ International Relations (minor) – Faculty of Social Studies

Bold – required courses
Normal – selective courses

Detailed information about courses in the study plan History
Detailed information about courses in the study plan International Relations

Follow-up studies

After completing the Bachelor’s degree study programme, it is possible to continue further studies (after satisfying the admission requirements) in the Master’s degree study programme of historical studies and related subjects.

Study information

Provided by Faculty of Arts
Type of studies Bachelor's
Mode full-time Yes
combined No
distance No
Study options single-subject studies Yes
single-subject studies with specialization No
major/minor studies Yes
Standard length of studies 3 years
Language of instruction Czech

Do you have any questions?
Send us an e-mail to

Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D.



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