Single subject design
23 May 2019
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM - Seminární místost 76, budova CVIDOS, Poříčí 31, 4 NP
Puzzle Pieces that Fit Together:
Applied Behavior Analysis, Single Subject Design, and Education
Sheri Kingsdorf, Ph.D., BCBA-D
The presentation will provide an overview of applied behavior analysis and single-subject
research design. Their applications for use in education will be discussed, with a review
of some current and anticipated work in these areas at Masaryk University.
ČT 23. 5. od 14:00 do 16:00
Seminární místost 76, budova CVIDOS, Poříčí 31, 4 NP
Seminář bude veden v anglickém jazyce.
Informaci o zájmu zúčastnit se zasílejte
- Organized by
Faculty of Education
Sheri Kingsdorf, Ph.D., BCBA-D
- Further information, photos or videos on the event