24 Nov University wine festival 2016/2017 The University wine festival will take place at the Augustinian Abbey in Brno. Thursday, November 24th, 5 PM. For invited only. from 5:00 PM
25 Nov The Seminar Series: IV) Identification, Reconstruction and Evaluation of Arguments The Seminar Series in Social Sciences and Humanities are organized by Faculties of Masaryk University in order to bring together the multiplicity of disciplines the Social Sciences and Humanities offer. But not only the Social Sciences and Humanities.... from 9:00 AM
30 Nov31 Dec The exhibition Story of otherness We would like to invite you to the collective exhibition called Story of otherness from November 30 to December 31, 2016. The opening will take place November 30, 2016 from 17 in the Gallery RUV also in the basement area (Poříčí 9, Brno). Curator of... from 5:00 PM