Memorial services at the “Kounicovy koleje” dormitories

November 1939 and November 1989 are key milestones in the history of the country.

The former saw the closing by the Nazis of Czech universities and the imprisonment of many students and faculty members, some of whom never returned home.

Masaryk University proudly remembers the legacy of these teachers, students and other faculty members. The memorial service will remember the victims of these tragic events. We would also like to invite everyone to come and make a handprint onto a piece of cloth to demonstrate their fight with totalitarian ideologies and evil.

Event programme

3:45 p.m. Reading of names of people executed at the dormitory

4:30 p.m. Wreath laying ceremony

4:45 p.m. Speech by Rector of Masaryk University

4:55 p.m. Scenic reading (from the memories of a former prisoner)

5:05 p.m. Attendees will be asked by the host of the event to make a handprint onto a piece of cloth to demonstrate their fight with totalitarian ideologies and evil

5:30 p.m. End of the formal part of the event

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