Open Science Roadshow

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The topic of Open Science (modern access to and management of scientific results in science) resonates more and more in academic and research circles. Both internationally (the European Open Science Cloud initiative or the Horizon Europe framework program) and in the Czech Republic. Masaryk University does not want to be left behind in Open Science. Therefore it is preparing the MUNI Open Science Strategy for 20222028 to make it as easy as possible for its employees and academics to adapt to the upcoming changes in scientific practice. The strategy focuses primarily on Open Access areas (open access to scientific publications) and FAIR Data (research data).

As the topic is and will be an essential part of scientific support in the coming years, it is crucial to get feedback from academics and researchers on this topic. They are the key beneficiaries of these strategic measures and inform them of the university level's planned steps. Open Science is no longer perceived only as a policy or declaration but as a new type of infrastructure for advanced scientific services.

The Open Science topic is also embedded in the new people strategy of The Faculty of Science MU, HR Award/HRS4R.

The Open Science Roadshow goal is to present the draft of the Open Science Strategy MUNI 20222028 at individual Faculties and Institutes and to obtain feedback from academics and researchers. The feedback will help the University Open Science Team finalize the strategy draft and prepare it for university management approval in autumn 2021.

Use this unique opportunity to influence the university's direction in Open Science from the perspective of your faculty/department.

The meeting for the academic and research community of Faculty of Science in the CZECH language will take place 18.5.2021 from 13:00 to 15:00 online using the MS Teams application.

On Wednesday 9.6.2021 from 10 till 16, there will be a university-wide workshop called Open Science Workshop 2021 held in ENGLISH. The event will mainly focus on the university Open Science Strategy and you will be able to get the information in English about the agenda presented during the Roadshow at Faculty of Science. The promotion of the event will start next week at

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