doc. Mgr. Lukas Blinka, PhD.
Associate professor, Psychology Research Institute
office: 2.50
Joštova 218/10
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 3393 |
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Total number of publications: 70
Dysfunctional impulsivity in online gaming addiction and engagement
Cyberpsychology: Journal of Psychosocial Research on Cyberspace, year: 2016, volume: 10, edition: 3, DOI
Interpersonal dependency and online gaming addiction
Journal of Behavioral Addictions, year: 2016, volume: 5, edition: 1, DOI
Screen-based behaviour in school-aged children with long-term illness
BMC Public Health, year: 2016, volume: 16, edition: 130, DOI
The effect of smartphone use on trends in European adolescents’ excessive Internet use
Behaviour & Information Technology, year: 2016, volume: 35, edition: 1, DOI
Does It Matter What Mama Says: Evaluating the Role of Parental Mediation in European Adolescents’ Excessive Internet Use
Children & Society, year: 2015, volume: 29, edition: 2, DOI
Excessive Internet Use and its association with negative experiences: Quasi-validation of a short scale in 25 European countries
Computers in Human Behavior, year: 2015, volume: 53, edition: December 2015, DOI
Excessive internet use in European adolescents: What determines differences in severity?
International Journal of Public Health, year: 2015, volume: 60, edition: 2, DOI
Nadměrné užívání online sociálních sítí
Online závislosti : jednání jako droga?, year: 2015, number of pages: 12 s.
Online závislosti
Year: 2015, number of pages: 200 s.
Úvod do studia závislosti na internetu
Online závislosti, year: 2015, number of pages: 10 s.