Mgr. Michal Šmída, Dr. rer. nat.
Research Group Leader Junior, Michal Šmída Research Group
office: bldg. E35/186
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 5494, +420 736 722 290 |
e‑mail: |
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Total number of publications: 75
A novel thrombocytopenia-4-causing CYCS gene variant decreases caspase activity: Three-generation study
British journal of haematology, year: 2024, DOI
CD20 expression regulates CD37 levels in B-cell lymphoma - implications for immunotherapies
Oncoimmunology, year: 2024, volume: 13, edition: 1, DOI
CRISPR/Cas9 technology as a useful tool in the study of chornic lymphocytic leukemia.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
CRISPR/Cas9 technology as a useful tool in the study of chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Efficacy of CD19-directed CAR-T cells against CLL and the possibilities for its further improvements.
Year: 2023, type:
Exploring the mechanisms of Venetoclax resistence via drug screening and genome-wide CRISPR screening.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Funkční efekt nově identifikované varianty v genu CYCS u rodiny s trombocytopenií typu 4.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation in rituximab-resistant cells.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Genome-wide CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screening revealed genes involved in CD20 regulation.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract
Chasing the epigenetic landscape to enhance CAR-T cell activity py preventing CD19 antigen escape in relapsed models.
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract