Mgr. Michal Šmída, Dr. rer. nat.
Research Group Leader Junior, Michal Šmída Research Group
office: bldg. E35/186
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 532 23 5494, +420 736 722 290 |
e‑mail: |
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Field of study: Experimental Oncology and Tumor Biology
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Investigation of cellular mechanisms to improve response to immunotherapy in B-lymphoid malignancies – graduate 2022
- Targeted therapy of B-lymphoid malignancies: the role of CD20 molecule and the possibilities of optimizing anti-CD20 immunotherapy – graduate 2021
Field of study: Life Sciences
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Identification of novel therapies for genetically defined CLL cases through repurposing of already approved drugs – ongoing study
- Functional CRISPR/Cas9 knockout screen for targeted therapy in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia – ongoing study
Field of study: Molecular medicine
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- Elucidation of novel therapy targets for B-cell malignancies – ongoing study
Field of study: Molecular Medicine
Topics of doctoral theses (supervisor)
- The use of CRISPR/Cas9 technology to develop innovative strategies for cellular therapy of hematological malignancies – ongoing study
- Characterization of resistance mechanisms to targeted therapy in acute myeloid leukemia and identification of novel therapy opportunities – ongoing study