doc. Mgr. Daniel Nývlt, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Geography
Office: pav. 05/02021
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
Phone: | +420 549 49 5846 |
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Total number of publications: 152
Deposits of pyroclastic mass flows at Bibby Hill (Pliocene, James Ross Island, Antarctica)
CZECH POLAR REPORTS, year: 2014, volume: 4, edition: 2, DOI
ECOSYS 2014 - Functioning of Antarctic Terrestrial Ecosystems in Changing Environment
Year: 2014, type: Workshop
Písečník u Javorníku - drumlin se zachovalou sukcesí subglaciálních a supraglaciálních sedimentů
Geologické výzkumy na Moravě a ve Slezsku, year: 2014, volume: roč. 20, edition: 1 - 2
Současné trendy v českém polárním výzkumu 2014
Year: 2014, type: Workshop
Stabilisation of geodetic points in the surroundings of Johann Gregor Mendel Station, James Ross Island, Antarctica
Czech Polar Reports, year: 2014, volume: 4, edition: 1
Timing of the Northern Prince Gustav Ice Stream retreat and the deglaciation of northern James Ross Island, Antarctic Peninsula during the last glacial-interglacial transition
Quaternary Research, year: 2014, volume: 82, edition: 2, DOI
Biodiversity of freshwater algae and cyanobacteria on deglaciated northern part of James Ross Island, Antarctica. A preliminary study.
Czech Polar Reports, year: 2013, volume: 3, edition: 2, DOI
Depositional settings of the Pleistocene continental glaciation sediments in the foothills of Rychleby Mountains and Zlate Hory Highlands, Sudetes Mts., Czechia
XX Konferencja Stratygrafia plejstocenu Polski Plejstocen przedpola Sudetów Środkowych Lasocin, 2.-6. 09. 2013 r., year: 2013
New methods to reconstruct clast transport history in different glacial sedimentary environments: Case study for Old Red sandstone clasts from polythermal Horbyebreen and Bertilbreen valley glaciers, Central Svalbard
Czech Polar Reports, year: 2013, volume: 3, edition: 2, DOI
Old Red sandstone clasts´s modification in subglacial and proglacial environments of Hoerbyebreen and Bertilbreen polythermal glaciers, Svalbard
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract