You are here:
prof. PhDr. Jiří Pavelka, CSc.
Office hours
FSS, Room no. 550, Monday 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.
On the basis of a personal agreement, the consultations is also possible at another time: FSS, Room No. 550.
Courses taught
Spring 2009 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Arts
- Semestrální kolokvium
- Comparison of Non-Artistic and Artistic Genres
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Diachronic Study in the Communicative Function of the Text
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Doctoral Dissertation Thesis
- Methodological Problems of Social Sciences and Mass Media Studies
- Paper in Foreign Language
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference Abroad
- Participation With One's Own Contribution in the Special Conference in Czechia I
- Research and Study
- Semester Colloquium
- Teaching in the Workplace I
- Teaching in the Workplace II
- The Published Special Text in Foreign Language
- The Published Special Text in the Czech Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- The Published Special Text in the Foreign Special Periodical or Volume (Proceedings)
- Theory of Literature
- Writing Seminar I
- Writing Seminar II
- Writing Seminar III
- Writing Seminar IV
Spring 2009 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Seminář k bakalářské práci (ZUR763, ZUR999)
- Art and the media
- Dissertation Projects Seminar (SOC910a, SOC910b)
- Introduction to the study of culture
- Levelling Examination (for non-sociologists)
- Media project (ZUR709, ZUR759)
- Public Presentation of Dissertation
- Seminar BC thesis (ZUR161, ZUR721, ZUR771)
- Seminar BC thesis II (ZUR162, ZUR722, ZUR772)
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation
- Seminar MGR thesis I
- Seminar MGR thesis II
- Seminar on BA thesis
- Seminar on MA thesis
- Theoretical Sociology II
Autumn 2008 at Faculty of Social Studies
- Seminář k bakalářské práci (ZUR763, ZUR998)
- Art criticism in print media
- Bachelor`s exam
- Dissertation Projects Seminar (SOC910a, SOC910b)
- Introduction to the study of culture (ZUR401, ZUR752)
- Levelling Examination (for non-sociologists)
- Media project
- Media project and product
- Paradigmatic systems of culture
- Public Presentation of Dissertation
- Seminar BC thesis (ZUR161, ZUR721, ZUR771)
- Seminar BC thesis II (ZUR162, ZUR722, ZUR772)
- Seminar for finalization of Dissertation
- Seminar MGR thesis I
- Seminar MGR thesis II
- Seminar on BA thesis
- Seminar on MA thesis
- Theoretical Sociology II
- TS - Mass Media & Mass Communication