prof. Mgr. Milada Franková, CSc., M.A.
Department of English and American Studies
Office: bldg. G/G.210
Gorkého 57/7
602 00 Brno
Phone: | +420 549 49 3639 |
E‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Courses taught
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Consultations Concerning the Dissertation
- Contemporary British Women Novelists (AJ24054, UZAJ4054)
- Doctoral Dissertation
- Independent Readings - Franková (AJ19612, AJ29612, UZAJ9612)
- Literary and Cultural Theory I (AJ20001, UZAJ0001)
- Master's Diploma Thesis
- Master's Non-diploma Thesis
- Semester Colloquium
- Specialisation According to the Subject of the Thesis
- Teaching in the Workplace
Autumn 2005 at Faculty of Education
Spring 2005 at Faculty of Arts
- Semestrální kolokvium
- Bachelor's Thesis - Franková
- Britain Multicultural
- English Literature of the Middle Ages
- Independent Readings - Franková (AJ19612, AJ29612)
- Iris Murdoch: the Novelist and the Philosopher
- Literary and Cultural Theory II
- Master's Thesis - Franková
- Minor Paper - Franková
- Minor Thesis - Franková
- Seminar Paper in Introduction to Literature
Autumn 2004 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Thesis - Franková
- British Culture and Society Since 1945
- British Literature I
- British Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Contemporary British Women Novelists
- Independent Readings - Franková (AJ19612, AJ29612)
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Thesis - Franková
- Minor Paper - Franková
- Minor Thesis - Franková
Spring 2004 at Faculty of Arts
Autumn 2003 at Faculty of Arts
- Baccalaureate Paper - Franková
- British Culture and Society Since 1945
- British Literature: 1945 to the Present
- Contemporary British Women Novelists
- Independent Readings - Franková (AJ19612, AJ29612)
- Literary and Cultural Theory I
- Master's Thesis - Franková
- Minor Paper - Franková
- Minor Thesis - Franková