Mgr. Radana Vrtišková
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Total number of publications: 20
Influence of sample preparation on the microstructure of tooth enamel apatite
Journal of Applied Crystalography, year: 2015, volume: 48, edition: JUN, DOI
Phosphate minerals from the hydrothermal quartz veins in specialized S-type granites, Gemerska Poloma (Western Carpathians, Slovakia)
Journal of Geosciences, year: 2015, volume: 60, edition: 4, DOI
Fibroferrit z historické lokality Valachov (Skřivaň) u Rakovníka (Česká republika)
Bulletin mineralogicko-petrologického oddělení Národního muzea v Praze, year: 2014, volume: 22, edition: 2
Study of chemical composition of hydroxyapatite in bovine teeth
Year: 2014, type: Conference abstract
Experimental research on the chemical composition of hydroxyapatite in bones
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Experimental research on the chemical composition of the hydroxyapatite in teeth and bones
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Konference 19. Kvartér 2013, Sborník abstrakt
Year: 2013, type: Conference
Konference 18. Kvartér 2012, Sborník abstrakt
Year: 2012, type: Conference
Konference 17. Kvartér 2011, Sborník abstrakt
Year: 2011, type: Conference
Studium distribuce prvků v kostní tkáni užitím laserové ablace a elektronové mikrosondy
Year: 2011, type: Conference abstract