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Mgr. Michal Kovář, Ph.D.
Courses taught
Spring 2014 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar
- Baltic Seminar
- Finnish language: drill and practice D2
- Finnish. Practical language course B6
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C4
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C6
- Finnish: translating course
- Hungarian II.
- Hungarian IV.
- Lappish language course II
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Tutorial II
- Minor Thesis Turorial
- Workshop on finnish literary
Autumn 2013 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor’s Minor Thesis
- Bachelor’s Thesis
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (BA318, BA319)
- Baltic Seminar
- Finnish language: drill and practice D1
- Finnish. Practical language course B5
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C3
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C5
- Finnish: translating course
- Lappish language course I
- Master’s State Exam
- Master's Minor Thesis
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Tutorial I
- Master's Thesis Tutorial II
- The Baltic Studies Workshop
- Workshop of Finnish Literatue
Spring 2013 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor essay
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (BA318, BA319)
- Baltic Seminar
- Final Thesis for the Bachelor Examination
- Finnish language drill and practice D4
- Finnish. Language structure course A4
- Finnish. Practical language course B4
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C4
- Finnish: translating course
- Hungarian II.
- Hungarian IV.
- Independent Readings in the Literature and History of the Baltic Area
- Lappish language course II
- Lappish language course IV
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Tutorial II
- Minor Thesis Turorial
- The Fenno-Ugric languages from a historico-cultural perspective
- The Workshop of Reading and Writing
- Workshop on finnish literary
Autumn 2012 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor essay
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (BA318, BA319)
- Baltic Seminar
- Final Thesis for the Bachelor Examination
- Finnish and Estonian literature
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C3
- Finnish: translating course
- Lappish language course I
- Lappish language course III
- Literature and cultural history of Finland and Scandinavia
- Major Exam
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Tutorial I
- Master's Thesis Tutorial II
- Minor Thesis
- Reading of mainstream and hist. sources in Finnish and Skandinavian Literature
- The Baltic Studies Workshop
Spring 2012 at Faculty of Arts
- Bachelor essay
- Bachelor's Thesis Seminar (BA318, BA319)
- Baltic Seminar
- Final Thesis for the Bachelor Examination
- Finnish language: drill and practice D2
- Finnish language: drill and practice D6
- Finnish. Practical language course B2
- Finnish. Practical language course B6
- Finnish. Reading and text interpretation course C6
- Finnish: translating course
- Hungarian II.
- Hungarian IV.
- Lappish language course II
- Master's Thesis
- Master's Thesis Tutorial II
- Minor Thesis Turorial
- The Workshop of Reading and Writing
- Workshop on finnish literary