prof. MUDr. Alexandra Šulcová, CSc.
Total number of publications: 521
Farmakodynamika kanabinoidů
Konopí a konopné drogy, year: 2008, number of pages: 6 s.
Impact of behavioural sensitization and estrogen levels on i.v. self-administration of methamphetamine in rats
European Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2008, volume: 18, edition: Suppl. 4
Impact of behavioural sensitization and estrogen levels on i.v. self-adminitration of methamphetamine in rats
New Frontiers in the Research of PhD students: The 5th International Conference of Postgraduate Medical Students, year: 2008
Impact of Behavioural sensitization to methamphetamine on i.v. self-adminitration of the drug in male and female rat
European Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2008, volume: 18, edition: Suppl. 1
Impact of cannabinoid receptor ligands on sensitization to methamphetamine effects on rat locomotor behaviour
Acta Veterinaria Brno, year: 2008, volume: 77, edition: 2
Impact of Gender and Behavioural Sensitization to Methamphetamine Effects in Rodent Behavioral Models
Regional CINP Congress, year: 2008
Léčba funkčních poruch po cisapridu
CD: VIII. motilitní sympozium, year: 2008
Memantine influences metabolism of dextrometorphan via CYP2D2 in rats
Regional CINP congress abstracts, year: 2008
Methamphetamine behavioural senistization in rodents: interactions with selected drugs and gender.
Adiktologie, year: 2008, volume: 8, edition: 2
Ovlivňuje sociální submisivita nebo agresivita citlivost myší k účinkům metamfetaminu?
Psychiatrie, year: 2008, volume: 12, edition: Suppl.1