prof. MUDr. Martin Bareš, Ph.D.
Rector, Masaryk University
Office: 417
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601 77 Brno
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Policy statement
Policy statement of the candidate for Rector of Masaryk University of 20 February 2023.
Total number of publications: 234
Treatment of facial and oro-linguo-mandibular tardive dystonie by botulinum toxin A: evidence of a long-lasting effect.
Movement Disorders, year: 1999, volume: 14, edition: 5
Dlouhodobá remise cervikální dystonie navozená léčbou botulotoxinem A - signál možného ovlivnění centrálního dystonického mechanismu?
Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, year: 1998, volume: 61/94, edition: 3
High doses of primidone as a treatment for postural tremor in various neurological diseases.Abstracts.
Movement Disorders, year: 1998, volume: 13, edition: 2
Indukce změny pohybového vzorce u dětí s dětskou mozkovou obrnou navozená současnou léčbou rehabilitační a botulotoxinem A.
Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, year: 1998, volume: 61, edition: Suppl.1
Intracerebral recording of P22/N30 median SEP component and change of its amplitude caused by active movement and mental movement simulation
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, year: 1998, volume: 106, edition: 3
Kortiko-subkortikální interakce v přípravě a provedení pohybu. Abstrakta.
Česká a slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, year: 1998, volume: 61/94, edition: 1
Movement preparation in the basal ganglia. A SEEG study. Abstracts.
Movement Disorders, year: 1998, volume: 13, edition: 2
Movement-related cortical potentials - an intracerebral study of epileptics. Abstarcts.
Electroencephalography and Clinical Neurophysiology, year: 1998, volume: 107
Posterior thalamus is involved in the movement preparation and activity.A SEEG study of Readiness Potential,Movement Accompanying Potential,CNV,P3 and evoked potentials. Abstracts.
Movement Disorders, year: 1998, volume: 13, edition: 2
The change in smmoth pursuit eye movements in L-DOPA naive parkinsonian patients following administration of subcutaneous apomorphine
Movement Disorders, year: 1998, volume: 13, edition: 4