prof. PhDr. Hana Přikrylová Kučerová, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Psychology
correspondence Address:
Arna Nováka 1/1, 602 00 Brno
office: bldg. C/C.527
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4817 |
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Total number of publications: 259
Face processing in first episode schizophrenia: A FMRI study
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2006, volume: 9,suppl.1, edition: 6
Farmakoterapie kognitivní dysfunkce u schizofrenie
Česká a slovenská psychiatrie, year: 2006, volume: 102, edition: 1
High frequency rTMS in the treatment of negative symptoms of schizophrenia: series of three case reports.
Schizophrenia Research, year: 2006, volume: 81, edition: suppl. 1
Hipokampus, morfologie mozku a schizofrenie
Časopis lékařů českých, year: 2006, volume: 145, edition: 7.
Hodnocení velikosti hipokampu u schizofrenie - zkušenosti z brněnské kliniky
Česká a slovenská Psychiatrie, year: 2006, volume: 102, edition: 2
Impaired hippocampal function in first-episode schizophrenia
Final Program and book of Abstracts, year: 2006
Implications of hippocampal morphology in first-episode schizophrenia
Final program and book of abstracts, Central/East European CINP Regional Meeting, year: 2006
Influencing negative symptoms of schizophrenia with repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation: a pilot study
European Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2006, volume: 16, edition: suppl. 4
Infuencing of negative symptoms of schizophrenia using repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS): preliminary data
Psychiatrie, časopis pro moderní psychiatrii, year: 2006, volume: 11, edition: 1
Is there any procognitive effect of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) in depression?
The International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology, year: 2006, volume: 9,suppl.1, edition: 6