Mgr. Zuzana Sumbalová Koledová, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 64
SPRY1 regulates mammary epithelial morphogenesis by modulating EGFR-dependent stromal paracrine signaling and ECM remodeling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, year: 2016, volume: 113, edition: 39, DOI
3D models of mammary branching morphogenesis reveal a pleiotropic role for FGF signaling in mammary stroma
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract
Isolation and characterization of stem cells in the adult mouse lung
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Regulation of mammary stem cells by receptor tyrosine kinase signalling.
Year: 2014, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings