Total number of publications: 117
Primary cancer prevention at schools
Řehulka, E. (ed.). School and Health 21. Health education: Contexts and Inspiration., year: 2010
Similarities and differences between smoking and non-smoking ten-year-old children in primary schools
Central European Journal of Public Health, year: 2010, volume: 18, edition: 1
Why to smoke? Why not to smoke? Major reasons for children s decisions on whether or not to smoke
Central European Journal of Public Health, year: 2010, volume: 18, edition: 4
Anti smoking primary preventive programmes in school curriculum
Health Education and Quality of Life II, year: 2009
Normální je nekouřit 1.díl.
Year: 2009, edition: 3. vydání, number of pages: 80 s.
Normální je nekouřit. 2. díl
Year: 2009, edition: 3. vydání, number of pages: 99 s.
Normální je nekouřit. 5. díl
Year: 2009, number of pages: 104 s.
Results of the study on the program Non-smoking is a norm in the third class of elementary school
School and Health 21, Topic issues in health education, year: 2009
Rodiče, děti a legální drogy
Alkoholizmus a drogové závislosti (protialkoholický obzor), year: 2009, volume: 44, edition: 5
Trends in smoking attitudes and behavior in school children aged 6-10 years: a prospective study Nonsmoking is a norm
Year: 2009, type: Conference abstract