doc. PhDr. Alena Slezáčková, Ph.D.
Department vice-head, Department of Medical Psychology and Ethics
office: bldg. A19/132
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 8189 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 382
Psychosociální faktory na straně lékaře ovlivňující proces péče a rozhodování v závěru života pacientů
Československá Psychologie, year: 2021, volume: 65, edition: 4, DOI
Resilience and well-being: Build skills to cope with stress more efficiently
Year: 2021, type: Popularization text
Self-compassion in medical students: a pilot study of its association with professionalism pressure
BMC Medical Education, year: 2021, volume: 21, edition: 1, DOI
Silné stránky charakteru: cesta k lepší verzi sebe sama
Year: 2021, type: Requested lectures
Souvislosti spirituality a osobnostních vlastností u katolických věřících v ČR
E-psychologie, year: 2021, volume: 15, edition: 2, DOI
The role of perceived hope in harmony in life among Czech and South African adults
Emotion, Well-being, and Resilience : Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Applications, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 2021, number of pages: 18 s.
Benevolent and Corrective Humor, Life Satisfaction, and Broad Humor Dimensions : Extending the Nomological Network of the BenCor Across 25 Countries
JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES, year: 2020, volume: 21, edition: 7, DOI
Enhancing Hope in Clients and Patients
Year: 2020, type: Requested lectures
Jak na izolaci?
Year: 2020, type: Popularization text
Jak neztratit hlavu v době koronavirové
Year: 2020, type: Popularization text