MUDr. Irena Lauschová, Ph.D.
Total number of publications: 65
Topochemistry of glycogen in the mouse oviduct during sexual maturation and its affection by ovarian steroids
Histochem. J., year: 2001, volume: 33, edition: 4
Topochemistry of glycogen in oviducts of sexually immature mice under normal and experimental conditions
Proceedings of the 12th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, year: 2000
Topochemistry of glycogen in oviducts of sexually immature mice under normal conditions and after administration of exogenous steroids
Acta Univ. Palacki.Olomuc., Fac. Med., year: 2000, volume: 144
Topochemistry of glycogen in the mouse oviduct during sexual maturation and influence of ovarian steroid
Programme and Abstracts of Progress in Basic, Applied and Diagnostic Histochemistry., year: 2000
Influence of estrogen and progesterone on ultrastructural indices of oviductal epithelium in sexually immature mice
Acta Vet.Brno, year: 1999, volume: 68, edition: 68
Sensitivity of oviduct epithelium in sexually immature mice to exogenous ovarian steroids.
Sripta medica, year: 1999, volume: 72, edition: 5-6
Vliv steroidních hormonů ovaria na ultrastrukturu tubárního epitelu pohlavně nezralých my�í.
Zborník abstraktov 38.zjazdu SAS, year: 1999
Histologická praktika a metody vyšetřování tkání a orgánů
Year: 1998, edition: Vyd. První, number of pages: 162 s.
Vliv estrogenu a progesteronu na ultrastrukturu epitelových buněk vejcovodů pohlavně nezralých my�í
XXXVIII. sjezd Čs.anatomické společnosti s mezinárodní účastí - Sborník abstrakt, year: 1998
Practical lessons in histology
Year: 1997, edition: Vyd. Prvni-dotisk, number of pages: 64 s.