prof. MUDr. Petr Dobšák, CSc.
Department vice-head, Department of Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation
Total number of publications: 568
Zátěžová echokardiografie.
Zátěžová diagnostika v ambulantní a klinické praxi, edition: Vyd. 1, year: 1999, number of pages: 3 s.
24-H Blood Pressure Profile in Patients with Sleep Apnea Syndrom: the Effect of Therapy.
Scripta Medica, year: 1998, volume: 71, edition: 4
24-hodinový profil krevního tlaku u pacientů se syndromem spánkové apnoe: účinek terapie
Scripta Medica, year: 1998, volume: 71, edition: suppl. 5
Antioxidative properties of pyruvate and protection of the ischemic rat heart during car dioplegia. Abstracts.
Fund. & Clinical Pharmacology, year: 1998, volume: 12, edition: 3
Cirkadiání kolísání kardiovaskulárních veličin.
Souhrny: Nové trendy ve funkční diagnostice a rehabilitaci, year: 1998
Experimental protection of heart grafts by pyruvate. Abstracts.
The Physiological Society. Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiological Society, year: 1998
Experimental protection of heart grafts by pyruvate. Abstracts.
J.Physiol., year: 1998, volume: 511, edition: P
Functional lung examination in patiens with emphysema before lung reduction surgery. Abstracts.
XVI. Martin Days of Respiration with international participation, year: 1998
Peripheral vascular resistance in patients with essential hypertension treated by verapamil (Ca antagonist) and trandolapril (ACE inhibitor) combined therapy. Abstracts
J.Physiol., year: 1998, volume: 511.P, edition: 1.
Peripheral vascular resistance in patients with essential hypertension treated by verapamil and trandolapril combined therapy. Abstracts
The Physiological Societey, Joint Meeting with the Czech Physiologica Society, year: 1998