prof. Mgr. Vít Kudrle, Ph.D.
Professor, Plasma Diagnostics and Modelling
office: pav. 06/01005
Kotlářská 267/2
611 37 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5433 |
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Total number of publications: 232
Improved calibration procedure of an RF plasma impedance probe
Proceedings of ISPC 14, year: 2003
Increase od Dissociation Degree in Afterglow Due to Admixtures
Proceedings of the XIVth SAPP, year: 2003
Increase of dissociation degree in afterglow due to admixtures
Acta Physica Slovaca, year: 2003, volume: vol. 53, edition: No. 5
Interferometer Diagnostics of Nitrogen Microwave Pulse Discharge
Proceedings of the XIVth SAPP, year: 2003
Raman bands in microwave plasma assisted chemical vapour deposited films
Microelectronics Journal, year: 2003, volume: 2003, edition: 34
Study of high power pulsed microwave discharge
Microwave discharges: fundamentals and applications, year: 2003
Study of high power pulsed microwave discharge
Microwave discharges: Fundamentals and applications, year: 2003
Study of reaction between HMDSO and O atoms in afterglow
Proceedings of ISPC 14, year: 2003
Advanced methods for deposition of thin films: monitoring, properties, application
Year: 2002, number of pages: 157 s.
Changes in concentration of atoms in afterglow due to presence of admixtures
Proceedings of ESCAMPIG and ICRP, year: 2002