prof. MUDr. Jiří Toman, CSc.
Total number of publications: 231
Natriuretické peptidy u chronického srdečního selhání
Cor et vasa, year: 2003, volume: 45, edition: 4S
Poruchy laminů u postižení srdce a kosterního svalstva
Vnitřní lékařství, year: 2003, volume: 49, edition: 8
Prognosis of patients with chronic coronary artery disease and severe left ventricular dysfunction. The importance of myocardial viability
European Journal of Heart Failure, year: 2003, volume: 5, edition: 1
Prognostic importance of the right ventricular function assessed by Doppler tissue imaging
European Journal of Echocardiography, year: 2003, volume: 4, edition: 4
Scripta medica, year: 2003, volume: 76, edition: 5
Right ventricular function in chronic heart failure patients
11 th Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting, Final program, year: 2003
Variability of Phase Shift Between Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Fluctuations: a marker of short-term circulation control
Circulation /NLM-MEDLINE/, year: 2003, volume: 108, edition: 3, JUL 22
Vlastní zkušenosti s různými typy tréninku u pacientů s chronickým srdečním selháním
Sborník abstrakt XX. konference České společnosti pro hypertenzi, year: 2003
Are patients with chronic heart failure on the basis of ischemic heart disease and dilative cardiomyopathy different?
10th Alpe Adria Meeting, Vienna, Austria, year: 2002
Baroreflex sensitivity and heart rate variability in patients with chronic coronary artery disease: effect of exercise training. Abstract.
Pflügers Archiv - Eur.J. Physiol., year: 2002, volume: 443, edition: Suppl.