doc. Mgr. Josef Kuře, Dr. phil.
Total number of publications: 120
Stem Cell Patents: European Patent Law and Ethics
Year: 2006, number of pages: 163 s.
Summary. The Budapest Meeting 2005 Intensified Networking on Ethics of Science. The Case of Reproductive Cloning, Germline Gene Therapy and Human Dignity.
Science and Engineering Ethics, year: 2006, volume: 12(2006), edition: 3
TWR Project
Year: 2006, type:
Anthropological Foundations of Bioethics
Year: 2005, type: Conference abstract
BioT-Ethics in the NMS.
Year: 2005, type:
Dobrá smrt - průřez chápání dobré smrti, včetně euthanasie.
Year: 2005, type:
Prospective Ethics. Towards a Future Oriented Bioethics
Proceedings of the European Conference „Ethics and Philosophy on Emerging Medical Technologies“, year: 2005
Research Ethics Committees in the Czech Republic
D. Beyleveld, D. Townend, J. Wright (eds.), Research Ethics Committees, Data Protection and Medical Research in European Countries., year: 2005, number of pages: 4 s.
Research Ethics.
Year: 2005, type:
The Limitedness of Human Existence as a Correlative to Science and Technology
Biomedicine within the Limits of Human Existence: Biomedical Technology and Practice Reconsidered – Book of Abstracts, year: 2005