prof. RNDr. Pavel Bosák, DrSc.
Total number of publications: 4
Multi-phased hypogene speleogenesis in a marginal horst structure of the Malé Karpaty Mountains, Slovakia
International Journal of Speleology, year: 2019, volume: 48, edition: 2, DOI
Multi-phased and multi-process hypogenic speleogenesis along deep fault system: Plavecká jaskyňa Cave, Malé Karpaty Mountains, Slovakia
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
A pragmatic test of the early origin and fixation of gamma-rey spectrometric (U, Th) and magneto-susceptibility (Fe) patterns related to sedimentary cycle boundaries in pure platform limestones
Carbonates and Evaporites, year: 2003, volume: v. 18, edition: no. 2
Early diegenetic origin and persistence of gamma-ray and magnetosusceptibility patterns in platform carbonates: comparison of Devonian and Quaternary sections
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, year: 2003, edition: 28