doc. RNDr. Stanislav Kozubek, DrSc.
Total number of publications: 194
Spatial structure of chromosome 17 territory in the interphase nucleus of human lymphocytes.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Structure of the human genome: Experimental results and models.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Topography of dystrophin exons relative to the cell nucleus and to the active and inactive chromosome X territory determined for human lymphocytes.
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Využití počítačové analýzy obrazu v moderní cytometrii
Year: 2001, type: Conference abstract
Způsob stanovení vlastností buněk metodou cytometrie s vysokým rozlišením a zařízení pro jeho provádění
Publisher: Úřad průmyslového vlastnictví ČR, state: Czech Republic, patent's number: 288693, year: 2001
Advances in high-resolution cytometry of FISH dots in interphase cell nuclei
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Chromosomes participating in translocations typical of malignant haemoblastoses are also involved in frequent interchanges induced by densely ionising radiation
Year: 2000, type: Conference abstract
Influence of cell fixation on chromatin topography
Analytical Biochemistry, year: 2000, volume: 282, edition: 1
Nuclear topography of the c-myc gene in human leukemic cells
Gene, year: 2000, volume: 244, edition: 1
Spatial arrangement of genes, centromeres and chromosomes in human blood cell nuclei and its changes during the cell cycle, differentiation and after irradiation
Chromosome Research, year: 2000, volume: 8, edition: 6