Mgr. Veronika Navrkalová, Ph.D.
Senior researcher, Šárka Pospíšilová Research Group
office: bldg. E35/218
Kamenice 753/5
625 00 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 7945 |
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Total number of publications: 114
Panel sond pro detekci prognostických a prediktivních markerů lymfoproliferativních onemocnění
Year: 2020
Comprehensive NGS panel for analysis of prognostic and predictive markers in lymphoproliferative diseases.
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoproliferací
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
LYNX (Lymphoid NGS): Komplexní NGS panel pro analýzu prognostických a prediktivních markerů B-buněčných lymfoprolyferací.
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
LYNX: LYmphoid NGS panel analysis tool.
Year: 2019, type: Conference abstract
Evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course is associated with telomere length changes
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
Changes in telomere length associate with to evolution of genomic abnormalities during CLL disease course
Year: 2018, type: Conference abstract
Ability to downregulate the level of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1) after DNA damage is retained in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells with functional ATM/p53 signaling pathway
LEUKEMIA & LYMPHOMA, year: 2017, volume: 58, edition: 1, DOI
EGR2 mutations define a new clinically aggressive subgroup of chronic lymphocytic leukemia
Leukemia, year: 2017, volume: 31, edition: 7, DOI
Sada pro detekci přítomnosti mutací v genu ATM u pacientů s CLL
Year: 2017