prof. MUDr. Robert Mikulík, Ph.D.
Professor, First Department of Neurology
correspondence Address:
Pekařská 664/53, 602 00 Brno
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Total number of publications: 192
STROCZECH – Národní výzkumná infrastruktura pro cerebrovaskulární výzkum
Year: 2024, type: Conference abstract
The effect of 2 years COVID-19 pandemic on myocardial infarction and stroke admissions: nationwide registry study, sex differences and mortality
Year: 2024, type: Conference abstract
The use of intervention mapping to guide the development of a school-based intervention to improve emergency medical services activation for stroke
BMC Public Health, year: 2024, volume: 24, edition: 1, DOI
Utilization, Workflow, and Outcomes of Endovascular Thrombectomy in Patients With vs Without Premorbid Disability in a National Registry
NEUROLOGY-CLINICAL PRACTICE, year: 2024, volume: 14, edition: 6, DOI
Zahájit, či nezahájit perorální antikoagulaci u pacientů s fibrilací síní po krvácení do mozku? Dostupné důkazy a probíhající studie
CMP Journal, year: 2024, volume: 2024, edition: 1
Association of statin pre-treatment with baseline stroke severity and outcome in patients with acute ischemic stroke and received reperfusion treatment: An observational study
International Journal of Stroke, year: 2023, volume: 18, edition: 2, DOI
Basilar artery occlusion management: Specialist perspectives from an international survey
Journal of Neuroimaging, year: 2023, volume: 33, edition: 3, DOI
Czech Stroke Research Network (STROCZECH) – a platform for academic clinical research
Year: 2023, type: Article in Periodical (without peer review)
Delivery of acute ischaemic stroke treatments in the European region in 2019 and 2020
EUROPEAN STROKE JOURNAL, year: 2023, volume: 8, edition: 3, DOI
Design of a school-based stroke preparedness intervention: challenges in acute diseases recognition
Year: 2023, type: Conference abstract