JUDr. Kateřina Uhlířová, Ph.D., LL.M.
Assistant professor, Department of International and European Law
office: 233
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 4695 |
e‑mail: |
Total number of publications: 73
Actors and Law-Making in International Environmental Law
Washington & Lee Legal Studies Paper No. 2018-05., year: 2018, volume: 5, edition: Neuveden
The Other People: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Migration
Year: 2016, type: Review
Atrocity Then, Trials Now: The Value of Delayed Justice (hlavní přednášející: prof. Mark Drumbl, Washington and Lee University)
Year: 2015, type: Workshop
Fraternity: “The Unspoken Third Pillar of Democracy”?
Year: 2015, type: Requested lectures
Human Rights of Roma and Travellers in Europe
International Journal of Refugee Law, year: 2015, volume: 27, edition: 2, DOI
Legal Responses to Incitement to Hatred, Discrimination and Violence
Year: 2015, type: Requested lectures
Norimberské zásady 70 let poté: vývoj a současné výzvy mezinárodního trestního soudnictví
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Reflexiones sobre los vacíos de la legislación penal
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Victims Rights and Bias Indicators Definition in the Light of EU Directive 2012/29
Year: 2015, type: Requested lectures
Beyond Abrogation of State Sovereignty
Year: 2014, type: Requested lectures