Total number of publications: 23
Budování anotovaného korpusu bez odborníků
Korpusová lingvistika 2 - Výzkum a výstavba korpusů, year: 2011
Building Annotated Corpora without Experts
Natural Language Processing, Multilinguality, year: 2011
Case study of BushBank concept
The 25th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, year: 2011
Verbs as Predicates: Towards Inference in a Discourse
Proceedings of Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Language Processing 2011, year: 2011
Acquiring NLP Data by means of Games
Proceedings of Fourth Workshop on Recent Advances in Slavonic Natural Languages Processing, RASLAN 2010, year: 2010
Through Low-Cost Annotation to Reliable Parsing Evaluation
PACLIC 24 Proceedings of the 24th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, year: 2010
Shallow Ontology Based on VerbaLex
NLP, Corpus Linguistics Corpus Based Grammar Research, year: 2009
Trdlo, an Open Source Tool for Building Transducing Dictionary
Text, Speech and Dialogue 2009, 12th International Conference TSD 2009, year: 2009
Yet Another Formalism for Morphological Paradigm
Proceedings of RASLAN 2009, year: 2009