Mgr. Ondřej Bouša
Total number of publications: 36
Vývojová psychologie a její specifika v NRP
Year: 2015, type:
Concepts of Autonomy in Emerging Adulthood and Their Perception by Czech Emerging Adults
Functioning of Young Adults in a Changing World, year: 2014, number of pages: 16 s.
Dotazník rodičovského přijetí a odmítnutí/kontroly: Recenze metody
TESTFÓRUM: Časopis pro psychologickou diagnostiku, year: 2014, volume: 4/2014, edition: 4/2014
Představy o partnerství v období vynořující se dospělosti
Year: 2014, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Fears in Czech Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study
The journal of early adolescence, year: 2013, volume: Vol. 33, edition: N. 8, DOI
Interparental conflict appraisal and general fearfulness in middle adolescence
Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies: An International Interdisciplinary Journal for Research, Policy and Care, year: 2013, volume: 8, edition: 1, DOI
”How do they feel when a baby cries?” Relationships between maternal characteristics and their perception of infant crying.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 23. – 27. 8. 2011, Bergen, Norway., year: 2012
Current Czech emerging adults. Are they special in any way?
, year: 2012
Developmental changes in identity styles of Czech late adolescents
Year: 2012, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Emerging Commitments and Identity-Processing Style in Middle Adolescence.
European Conference on Developmental Psychology, 23. – 27. 8. 2011, Bergen, Norway., year: 2012