prof. JUDr. Zdeňka Králíčková, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Civil Law
Office: 254
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
Phone: | +420 549 49 5313 |
E‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 325
Péče o zdraví nezletilého dítěte
Časopis zdravotnického práva a bioetiky, year: 2016, volume: 6, edition: 2
Právo proti domácímu násilí
Year: 2016, type: Workshop
Recenze Piotr Fiedorczyk: Unifikacja i kodyfikacja prawa rodzinnego w Polske
Year: 2016, type:
Tensions between Legal, Biological and Social Parenthood
Year: 2016, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Tensions between Legal, Biological and Social Parenthood
Year: 2016, type: Conference abstract
Zpráva ze Symposia o jurispudenci rodinněprávních poměrů "Rodina a lidská práva" konaného v Peru
Year: 2016, type:
Aplikace mediace - rodinná oblast. Práce s rodinnými systémy v mediaci.
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Czech Family Law: Maintenance Duty and Other Property Obligations upon Separation and Divorce
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Czech Family Law: The Best Interest of the Child
Year: 2015, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Czech Family Law: The Best Interest of the Child
Year: 2015, type: Conference abstract