doc. RNDr. Jan Helešic, Ph.D.
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Total number of publications: 108
Habitatové preference larev pošvatek čeledi Perlidae a Perlodidae - studie druhu Perla burmeisteriana
Acta Facultatis Ecologie, year: 2003, volume: 10, edition: Suppl. 1
The effects of iron and manganese mine watres on stream biota (Case study of ecological risk assessment)
SECOTOX 2002. Book of Astracts, 7th Regional Meeting of the Central and Eastern European Section, year: 2002
Bioaccumulation of harmful pollutants in running water food webs
Verh.Internat.Verein.Limnol., year: 2001, volume: 27, edition: 5
Dynamic patches in meta - hyporhithral zone of streams in the Central Europe
2nd Symposium for Europaen Freshwater Sciences, Abstract Book, year: 2001
Habitat preference and life startegy of Perla burmeisteriana Claasen, 1936 (Plecoptera) in Centaral European streams
2001 International Joint Meeting on Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera, Abstract book, year: 2001
New records of Plecoptera in Central Europe
2001 International Joint Meeting, Abratct Book, year: 2001
Nonparametric evaluation of environmental parameters determining the occurrence of stonefly larvae (Plecoptera) in streams
Aquatic Science, year: 2001, volume: 63, edition: 4
Quality of the natural environment in the Czech Republic at the regional level. Results of the Košetice Observatory
Year: 2001, number of pages: 189 s.
Vodní bezobratlí a hydrobiologie řeky Dyje v Národním parku Podyjí
Thayensia, year: 2001, volume: 2001, 4, edition: 1
Novinky a pokroky v poznání ekologie tekoucích vod
XII. Limnologická konference "Limnologie na přelomu tisiciletí", Kouty nad Desnou. Sborník referátů, year: 2000