Total number of publications: 35
Non-classical Microbes in Sputum from Children with Cystic Fibrosis and Their Clinical Significance – Retrospective Epidemiological Study
Year: 2016, type: Conference abstract
Salmonelóza - reálná hrozba pro kojence
Klinická mikrobiologie a infekční lékařství, year: 2016
Terapie průjmových onemocnění dětí (aneb co se změnilo v průběhu 70 let)
Čs. pediatrie, year: 2016
Neuroborrelióza imitující mozkový nádor u dětí a vice versa
Česká a Slovenská neurologie a neurochirurgie, year: 2014, volume: 77, edition: 5
Detection of Borrelia burgdorferi Sensu Stricto ospC Alleles Associated with Human Lyme Borreliosis Worldwide in Non-Human-Biting Tick Ixodes affinis and Rodent Hosts in Southeastern United States
Applied and Environmental Microbiology, year: 2013, volume: 79, edition: 5, DOI
Efficacy of inhaled amiloride solution versus hypertonic saline, prospective open label single center study in children with cystic fibrosis
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Infectious diseases for foreign students
Year: 2013, type: Teaching aids, texts (including individual chapters in textbooks)
Kazuistika pacientky s limbickou encefalitidou
Year: 2013, type: Conference abstract
Neuroborreliosis versus sclerosis multiplex
Pediatrie pro praxi, year: 2013, volume: 14, edition: 1
Onemocnění slinných žláz v dětském věku
Pediatrie pro praxi, year: 2012, volume: 13, edition: 1