doc. JUDr. Tomáš Sobek, Ph.D.
Associate professor, Department of Legal Theory
office: S149
Veveří 158/70
611 80 Brno
phone: | +420 549 49 5515 |
e‑mail: |
social and academic networks: |
Total number of publications: 52
Weyrovy dny právní teorie 2019. Sborník z konference
Year: 2019, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Neo-roman Republicanism, Philosophical Anarchism and Separation of Powers
Year: 2018, type: Requested lectures
Proportionality Test
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, year: 2018, number of pages: 5 s.
Weyrovy dny právní teorie 2018. Sborník z konference
Year: 2018, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Legitimita jako epistemický problém
Year: 2017, type: Appeared in Conference without Proceedings
Spravedlnost mezi utopií a realitou
Právník, year: 2017, volume: 156, edition: 11
Subjective Punishment
Encyclopedia of Law and Economics, edition: Vyd. 2017, year: 2017, number of pages: 8 s.
Křehká možnost citu
Princípy konštitucionalizmu, year: 2016
Myth of Universal Human Rights: Its Origin, History, and Explanation, Along with a More Humane Way
Year: 2016, type: Review
Weyrovy dny právní teorie 2016
Year: 2016, type: Conference