Ing. Josef Zehnálek, CSc.
Total number of publications: 60
Analysis of salicylic acid and its derivates in biological samples by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
Vitamins 2005 - Targeted Nutritional Therapy, year: 2005
Analysis of thiol compounds by liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection
11th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, year: 2005
Analytic method for determination of metallothioneins as tumor markers
CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, year: 2005, volume: 51, edition: 6
Detection of salicylic acid and its derivates by differential pulse voltammetry and flow injection analysis with electrochemical detection
Sborník příspěvků V. Pracovního setkání fyzikálních chemiků a elektrochemiků, year: 2005
Electrochemical determination of glutathione and phytochelatin synthesis in maize plants treated by cadmium
Vitamins 2005 - Targeted Nutritional Therapy, year: 2005
Elektrochemický biosenzor pro studium platinových cytostatik
, Pokroky v klinické biochemii 2005; VII.Celostátní sjezd České společnosti klinické biochemie, year: 2005
Liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection as a new tool for the separation and quantification of salicylic acid and its derivates in biological samples
11th International Symposium on Separation Sciences, year: 2005
Simultaneous femtomole determination of cysteine, reduced and oxidized glutathione, and phytochelatin in maize (Zea mays L.) kernels using HPLC with electrochemical detection
JOURNAL OF CHROMATOGRAPHY A, year: 2005, volume: 1084, edition: 1-2
Studium fytochelatinů pomocí modifikované Brdičkovy reakce u explantátových kultur
Sborník přednášek z XXV. mezinárodního odborného semináře Moderní analytické metody, year: 2005
Study of electrochemical behaviour of salicylic acid and its derivates by stationary and flow electrochemical methods
6th International Symposium in the Series: Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology, year: 2005