Project information
Psychological and social school climate - theory, assessment, possible interventions
- Project Identification
- GA406/03/0940
- Project Period
- 1/2003 - 12/2005
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Social Studies
- Keywords
- school climate; school evaluation; school management
The project intends to map the current knowledge about the psychological and social climate at primary and secondary schools and to create a review of the determining factors. This includes the identification of the strategies that pupils, parents, teachers and school management use perceive and judge school climate supplemented with the views of other professionals (school board, supervisors, school psychologists and counsellors, etc.). The empirical goal is to propose applicable indicators of school climate (combining the qualitative and quantitative approaches) for the assessment of the actual and preferred school climate. Climate at selected schools of various types will be compared and the differenced interpreted. We aim to find what is needed for the climate assessment to become a part of the standard course of school evaluation and school documentation. This all should lead to the development and testing of procedures or ways to influence school cliamte at the level of school management, staff or parents (community). Efforts will be made to advertise this topic among educational professionals and to incorporate it into all levels of teacher and school counsellor and psychologist education.
Total number of publications: 16
Co nám mohou začínající učitelé sdělit o klimatu a kultuře školy?
Psychosociální klima školy III., year: 2005
Do jaké míry lze využít internetovou prezentaci školy jako zrcadlo sociálního klimatu školy?
Psychosociální klima školy III, year: 2005
Internetová prezentace školy jako jeden z indikátorů klimatu školy
Year: 2005, type: R&D Presentation
Psychosociální klima školy III
Year: 2005, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Psychosociální klima školy III.
Year: 2005, number of pages: 158 s.
Psychosociální klima ve speciální základní škole při fakultní nemocnici
Psychosociální klima školy III., year: 2005
Sociální klima školy a jeho prezentace ve virtuálním prostředí internetu.
Novinky v pedagogické a školní psychologii 1995-2005, year: 2005
Zkušenost s výukou předmětu Psychologie handicapu na Fakultě sociálních studií.
Novinky v pedagogické a školní psychologii 1995-2005, year: 2005
Psychosociální klima školy II
Year: 2004, type: Editing of thematic compilation, editing of monothematic issue of profesional journal
Psychosociální klima školy II.
Year: 2004, number of pages: 165 s.