Project information
Syntax of Sentence in Greek and Latin, a Comparison

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2005 - 12/2007
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Arts
Syntax of Sentence, Greek-Latin, Comparison

A rather great boom of syntactical studies in a number of modern languages provokes an analogical activity also in the sphere of the no more spoken classical languages such as Latin and Greek and evokes the idea of comparing the syntactical rules mutually on both sides - which is a metodical proceeding that has been rarely attempted even among a pair of modern languages so far.Such a comparative proceeding may be best started within the area of dependent clauses, which gives an opportunity of confronting the various dependent clauses, on one side (content, adverbial, relative clauses), and different types of semantically of the semantically analogical nominal constructions, on the other side (e.g., infinitival, participial equivalentes etc.), - with two potential aims: a) to find a better way while instructing students in Latin and Greek more easily, b) to find a better theoretical starting point when comparing, in general, the classical languages (or even the no more spoken phases of modern languages) with the fully spoken modern languages. The main outcome of the project will be a monograph "Greek and Latin Syntax Compared" Dependent Clauses and their Nominal Equivalents" (cca. 250 pages).


Total number of publications: 9

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