Publication details

Classical and Vulgar Latin and Greek

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Year of publication 2006
Type Article in Proceedings
Conference Actes of the VIIeme Colloque International sur le Latin Vulgaire et Latin Tardif: Séville, 2-6 septembre 2003
MU Faculty or unit

Faculty of Arts

Citation BARTONĚK, Antonín. Classical and Vulgar Latin and Greek. In Actes of the VIIeme Colloque International sur le Latin Vulgaire et Latin Tardif: Séville, 2-6 septembre 2003. Seville: Universidad de Sevilla, 2006, p. 81-88. ISBN 84-472-0883-4.
Field Linguistics
Keywords Classical Greek; Classical Latin; Vulgar Greek; Vulgar Latin
Description When analysing the Classical (and Vulgar) Latin syntax on the background of the Ancient Greek Syntax, one has tostress the remarkable fact that, at the time of its greatest flowering, the Classical Latin apparently struck a syntactically quite pretentious path (with, e.g., an obligatoty construction of Acc. with Inf., as well as with a very broad use of absolute participial constructions), which could not be later kept up, under the changed conditions.
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