Project information
Competitive a advantage and competition within railway trnasport - chances and limits of economic policy
- Project Identification
- GA402/08/1438
- Project Period
- 1/2008 - 12/2010
- Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
- Standard Projects
- MU Faculty or unit
- Faculty of Economics and Administration
- Keywords
- competition, railway transport, economic policy
The aim of the project is to analyze competition on the raliway market. There are two kinds of competition in this industry; intermodal competition among different transport modes and intramodal competition among different railway operators. Both kinds of competition are strongly affected by economic policy. The project is researching answers to following questions: Is it reasonable policy to promote competition among railway operators when there is already strong competition among road and rail transport? What is result of ungregulated development of railwy markets; competition or monopoly? What kind of reforms is more successful in practise, reforms aimed at vertical unbundling or ones aimed at demonopolization and privatization? The general economic theory will be applied to real railway markets with prefernece to EU countries.
Total number of publications: 26
Railways in Prague - Tying and Cutting the Gordian Knot
The City and the Railway in the World from the Nineteenth Century to the Present, edition: Vyd. 1st Edition, year: 2022, number of pages: 15 s.
Czech Military Railways – History and a Comparative Analysis of the Czech Railway Network’s Efficiency.
Eastern European Railways in Transition - Nineteenth to Twenty-first Centuries., edition: Vyd. 1., year: 2013, number of pages: 18 s.
Impacts of Unbundling on Competitiveness of Railways
Železniční doprava a logistika, year: 2010, volume: 2010, edition: 02
Intermodální shift mezi leteckou a železniční dopravou
Konkurence na evropských železnicích - ekonomické, právní a regionální faktory, year: 2010
Konkurence na evropských železnicích - ekonomické, právní a regionální faktory
Year: 2010, type:
Konkurence na evropských železnicích - ekonomické, právní a regionální faktory
Year: 2010, type: Workshop
Railway transport - institutional status, economic policy, and economic theory.
Year: 2010, type: R&D Presentation
Veřejné dotace do železniční dopravy v ČR
Scientia et Societas, year: 2010, volume: VI, edition: 4
European railways - an application of the life cycle theory
7th Conference on the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility - Energy and Innovation, year: 2009
Institucionální limity intermodální konkurenceschopnosti železniční dopravy
Increasing the Competitiveness of the European Rail System, year: 2009