Project information
Centrum pro neuropsychiatrická studia traumatického stresu - NEURPSYCHTS

Project Identification
Project Period
3/2006 - 12/2011
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the CR
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine
Cooperating Organization
Charles University

Aim of the project of the research center is neuropsychiatric research of psychiatric manifestations of epilepsy in its relationship to behavioral conditions. A key subject of this research is immediate relationship between influence of the traumatic stress and epileptic activity in subclinical manifestations of epilepsy in psychiatry. These manifestations are similar to interictal psychiatric symptoms in epilepsy. The aim of the study from the neuropsychopharmacological point of view is accurate indication of anticonvulsant treatment in psychiatry. From the research as well as clinical point of view common mechanisms of epileptogenesis and neurophysiological influence of the traumatic stress wil be emphasized. The traumatic stress is according to several recent findings one of important causal mechanisms of epileptogenesis with psychiatric symptoms.


Total number of publications: 68

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