Project information
Specific bactericidal agents in some novel genera of Enterobacteriaceae

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2001 - 1/2003
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Medicine

Four types of strain-specific bactericidal agents have been known to be produced in the family Enterobacteriaceae: bacteriophages, corpuscular bacteriocins (phage tail-like particles), molecular bacteriocins (proteins of colicin type) and microcins. From the systematic, evolutionary, ecological, but also applied viewpoints it is important to ascertain and compare their occurrence in individual species and genera.During the years 1981-1986, the genera Kluyvera, Leclercia and partly Providencia were newly established; in them, any information on a production of these four agents is lacking until now. The aim of the project is to gain this information by experimental research and to publish it. Sets of 50 accurately determined strains of each of these gen era will be supplied by the Reference Laboratory, National Institute of Public Health, Prague. A thorough screening for production of the four agents will be performed and the agents found will be characterized both from microbiological and molecular vie


Total number of publications: 5

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