Project information
Regional evaluation of development effects brought by the European integration process on example of the Czech regions

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Project Identification
Project Period
1/2001 - 1/2003
Investor / Pogramme / Project type
Czech Science Foundation
MU Faculty or unit
Faculty of Economics and Administration

Project deals with regional evaluation of development effects brought by the integration process of the Czech Republic into EU. Solution of the project consists of two stages. The former stage will be aimed at regional evaluation of development trends (a set of chosen indicators will create the basis of evaluation) and their space continuities (especially formation of development poles and axes in the context of theory of polarised development). Practical utilisation may be expected particularly m inter action to providing of optimal realisation of medium-term time horizon strategies of regional development. The latter stage will be aimed at elaboration of stochastic model of evaluation of development interactions between the Czech and EU countries regi ons. We take for basic components of the model mentioned above economic sensitivity, accessibility potential (synthesis of both components represents potential of interference), economic level and investment attractivity (synthesis of both components rep


Total number of publications: 9

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